Not sure
What’s up with everyones game, but mine works fantastically. I have really enjoyed the Total War series, especially Empire, and Napoleon is a sequel of sorts. Obviously it is not a direct sequel, however you can think of it as a successor. In some ways this game is not as ‘deep’ as Empire, the ‘world’ does not span the entire planet (of course Empire left out huge chunks as well) which is kind of a shame (no War of 1812 redo’s for us Americans lol). However it kind of makes up for this by having a far more detailed European map, for example France is no longer one huge chunk, but has more regions to conquer. The one part of the game play mechanics I really don’t like is replenishing troops after battles, unlike in Empire where you can buy the replacement troops to bring units up to full strength, you must wait as, often very very slowly, replacement troops trickle in. The rate of repenishment is dependent on the region you are in, i.e. the region must be able to produce the same units in order to, realitively quickly, bring your order of battle back up to strength. I’ve found that this can bog down game play, I must have multipul armies in order to conduct campains at any reasonable pace. The game seems to counteract these limitations somewhat by not relying on sheer numbers to fully balance fights, however being out numbered 2 to 1 is with half strength regiments is tough for any general. I do like how artillery is implemented, and how moral is shown. As was the case during the actual Napoleonic Wars, artilery was the ‘shock and awe’ of the day. They were powerful weapons, and Nepoleon used them to deveastating effect. In Empire cannons were powerful, but not always decisive unless heavily massed and up close with canister shot, but in this game even long range solid shot can be a powerful factor. I also really like the depth of naval units, there really aren’t that many more, it just feels more realistic (if that can apply to a video game) and less generic. Of course over all the graphics are more detailed, and the effects are very nice.
I guess I should say what computer I’m playing on (I always find it helpful to know what other people are using); 21.5 iMac, 2.9 i5, 8gb, GT 750M 1gb, and it runs fantastic.
Mchave45 about